Provider Recovery and System Alignment
Delivery of planned financial control totals in two consecutive financial years, and successful integration of the Trust and CCG with a single financial control total.
Kingsgate was asked by the regulator to support a London provider Trust which had a significant change in year-end forecast outturn and had already breached its control total in Quarter 2. The Trust had only just come out financial special measures the previous financial year. The Trust Board recognised the importance of system relationships and real progress has been made between the Trust and commissioner in a co-terminus health system.
How We Helped
Rapid stabilisation of financial position through improved grip and control, vacancy freeze, directorate accountability reviews, simplified reporting and weekly updates to the board.
Recovery plan devised in 14 days to achieve a £11m improvement in the year-end position. Thereafter, co-produced a plan for the following year to deliver a £27m improvement.
Supported the Trust and CCG in devising, agreeing and delivering a joint financial and activity plan across the following 18 months.
Carried out a zero-based re-budgeting exercise including detailed clinical productivity analysis (using Kingsgate bespoke software) in alignment with the system wide financial and activity plan.
Delivery of planned financial control totals in two consecutive financial years.
Regained regulator confidence in organisation’s ability to deliver.
Support to the successful integration of the Trust and CCG with a single financial control total.