Peter Trethewy
Transformation Consultant
Peter has had a long and successful NHS career, having held positions at Deputy and Chief Operating Officer level.
He has extensive management experience with a proven track record of delivery, performance management and service redesign. Peter has also led on contract negotiations as part of the annual planning round and in the development of service strategy. Most recently he has worked with a client in Essex, leading on service transformation. Peter has worked with Kingsgate over a number of years, collaborating on a range of transformation programmes.
“Peter Trethewy of Kingsgate provided excellent interim executive level support to the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust for almost two years. He was instrumental in the improvement and turnaround of Urgent Care performance – ensuring that systems, processes and importantly delivery was strengthened under his capable and effective leadership. As a regulator I valued his responsive and open approach – he would always make himself available to provide ‘state of play’ information at (often) very short notice, demonstrating an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the drivers of emergency pressures, clearly articulating the actions he was taking to address them and, critically, when improvement would be seen.
He is extremely well presented, professional, articulate and while this is a difficult and highly pressurised area of work was well liked by internal and external stakeholders alike. He built effective relationships with lead commissioners and health economy partners to drive system support for Trust delivery of the A&E standard in the short and medium term and importantly started to shape strategic direction. Peter also delivered coaching and development support to the operational managers within the Urgent Care Division to support succession planning/sustainability. I have noted a ‘step change’ in one of these managers who now confidently presents to and leads discussion within the Urgent Care Network meetings I attend.
Peter’s legacy is tangible.”
- Sara Howlett, Head of Delivery and Development (Interim), NHS TDA Midlands and East